Council DXP
Helping LGAs to Effectively Manage Their Own Website and Online Interactions
Council DXP is a cloud-based digital experience platform built specifically for local government agencies (LGA) to effectively manage their own website and online interactions. It is a professional, fully functional, and fully supported content management system CMS, that will future-proof a LGA's online presence for many years to come.
Council DXP is built on the Siteglide platform but also includes:
Amazon Web Services (AWS) – cloud-based infrastructure (hosting)
platformOS – enables the secure implementation of the AWS architecture (operating system)
Features of Council DXP
Document Management
Easy access to policies and procedures
Has a built-in file manager enabling in-house users to manage documents, images and other files
Supports the management of workplace processes, procedures and registers
Manages document authoring
Manages approvals and distribution of key compliance documentation
Has built-in module for capture and storage of digital assets
Collaboration and Workflows
Easy access to key data with a single source of truth
Creates one view of employees, contractors, managers in one system regardless of location
Automates actions and business processes via workflows
Analytics and Reporting
Monitor key metrics
Dashboards with instant snapshots of key metrics
Generates analytics, reporting tools, tracking and monitoring via APIs, alerts and Power BI
Access and Permissions
Staff, contractor and public
Has a built-in Secure Zone functionality (Secure Zones enables admin users to lock their content within different zones to only be accessed by users who have been granted access to each zone)
Mobile-friendly and supports handheld devices, plus different operating systems
Data protection
Includes enterprise-grade security via Siteglide’s partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and platformOS - robust security policies and processes
Future-Proof Your LGA's Online Presence
Fill in your details and we'll be in touch, or call us on 1300 211 127